Guidance Notes
These Guidance Notes are for the use of RNG members and visitors and cover the health, safety, security, well-being and enjoyment of all members and visitors to RNG events.
All members and visitors are expected to exercise reasonable care in ensuring that every person attending an RNG event may enjoy themselves in a relaxed way without exposure to accidents, intimidation or unwarranted attention of others.
One side of the pool will normally be cordoned off to provide lanes for use by faster swimmers such that they can swim continuous lengths at speed without too much risk of obstruction by slower members. There is no rigid definition of fast and slow, but any member swimming in this area is asked to keep watch for other swimmers catching up, and endeavour to let them past, e.g, by delaying slightly at the turn. Members in the fast area finding that this is happening to them more than occasionally are asked to transfer to the slower area until conditions ease. Swimmers temporarily stopped at either end of the fast area are asked to take care to leave reasonable space for fast 'lengthers' to 'touch and turn' without being impeded.
RNG is a naturist organisation, and nudity is expected at all appropriate times, dependent on the event and the venue (for example while swimming).
The use of cameras or video equipment is not permitted without the written permission of the Committee.
At any RNG event, all matters of concern should be initially reported to an RNG Committee Officer (either the person(s) controlling entry to the event or any member of the Committee attending the event). These concerns may include:
Premises - In the event of matters of Health & Safety concerning the premises, the Committee Officer will report the matter immediately to the appropriate premises staff and co-operate with the premises staff in issuing any advice or instructions to all the members and visitors present. In the event of the premises having to be cleared, the Committee Officer will, using the attendance sheet, check that all the members and visitors have been accounted for immediately after the premises have been evacuated.
Personal Hygiene - In the event of matters concerning the personal hygiene, or apparently infectious conditions, of any member or visitor, the Committee Officer will consult with premises staff for guidance and follow any instructions or procedures given.
Security - In the event of matters concerning the security of the premises/equipment or possible theft, the Committee Officer will report the matter to the appropriate premises staff for further action/advice.
Accidents - In the event of a member or visitor sustaining an injury, the Committee Officer and premises staff should be notified as soon as possible. The Committee Officer will note the details together with any names and actions taken.
The premises staff will be required to provide first aid and call the emergency services (if required), complete the premises accident report book and, where appropriate, inform the Health & Safety Executive. The Committee Officer will provide whatever assistance is requested.
Behaviour - In the event of matters concerning the behaviour of members, visitors or premises staff, which infringes the health, safety, security, well-being or enjoyment of members or visitors, the Committee Officer will note the details and investigate, or ask another member to investigate the complaint. Concerns may include:
- Failure to observe RNG rules.
- Missing personal possessions (including lockers broken into).
- Unwanted attention, (including: staring)
- Inappropriate language or behaviour, unwelcome body language or contact, repeated "accidental" touching or repeated verbal imposing.
- Dangerous horseplay, verbal or physical aggression, swearing.
- Behaviour attracting adverse publicity for RNG.
In the event of a member or visitor considered, on a summary investigation, to be responsible for infringing these Guidelines, the Committee Officer will take immediate action to deal with the matter in a sensitive, discreet and unobtrusive way in accordance with the RNG Complaint & Disciplinary procedure. It is hoped that the transgressor will be persuaded to amend their behaviour so that expulsion or suspension will not be necessary.
Any complaint or report of an incident should be made to any RNG Committee Officer at an event or in writing to the Secretary within 7 days. Incidents involving the emergency services should be notified to the premises staff directly.
The Committee Officer will investigate the complaint or incident and offer guidance, advice, or counselling as applicable, with other Committee members present if appropriate. It may be necessary to ask the transgressor to leave for the remainder of the event.
The Committee Officer will note all complaints and incidents and inform the other Committee Officers. The issue will be discussed at the next committee meeting. In serious cases, an earlier meeting might have to be called.
The Committee may suspend membership or refuse entry to a visitor for up to 28 days for an investigation. All parties to the complaint or incident will be given at least 21 days' written notice before the Committee meeting at which it will be discussed, so that they may provide information or evidence. In some cases persons involved in an incident may be asked to attend the Committee meeting.
To expel a member or permanently bar a visitor from attending events, at least 2/3rds of the Committee present at the meeting must be in favour. Expulsion or barring will be advised to the transgressor in writing within 7 days of the decision.
An appeal against a decision to expel or suspend may be made to the Secretary in writing within 7 days of receiving the decision. A General Meeting of the club members will consider this. If it is six or more months to the AGM, an Extraordinary General Meeting will be convened. The AGM or EGM must be attended by at least 9 members eligible to vote. If it does not, suspension will continue to the next AGM.
The Constitution can be found here.