Club Constitution
The name of the club shall be "READING NATURIST GROUP" hereinafter referred to as RNG.
The objects of RNG are to promote naturist leisure and recreational activities, and to support, as far as is deemed practical, any initiatives to secure and improve amenities for the furtherance of these objects.
The Committee of RNG shall consist of three elected Officers - a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Additional committee members may be appointed by the Committee from the club membership.
The Committee may co-opt other persons from the club membership to serve on any sub-committees it might appoint.
The Committee is charged with the management of the affairs of RNG and shall act in accordance with normal committee procedures.
The Committee shall have full charge of the assets of RNG. All assets of RNG shall be used for the benefit of RNG and in the furtherance of the Objects set out above.
The Committee shall meet not less than three times per year.
A Committee appointee until the next Annual General Meeting shall fill a casual vacancy of any Officer.
Accounts shall be published annually at the Annual General Meeting and made available, on request, to all members.
An Annual General Meeting shall be held once each year in January. All paid-up members as at the date of the AGM shall be entitled to attend the AGM. A CCBN representative may be invited to attend the Annual General Meeting if this is felt by the Committee to be appropriate.
Two months notice of the meeting will be given to members in writing.
At the Annual General Meeting, the Committee shall report on their proceedings during the past year. The Treasurer shall present the Statement of Accounts. The Officers for the ensuing year shall be elected until the close of business at the next AGM. Nominations for Officers must be received by the Secretary, in writing, at least one month before the AGM. Any other pertinent business shall be transacted.
The Secretary shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting on a resolution from the Committee or on receiving a written requisition signed by five or more members. One month's notice of the meeting shall be given to members in writing stating the objects of such a meeting. The Extraordinary General Meeting may transact no other business.
Membership shall be available to singles or couples over the age of 18 whom the Committee finds acceptable. Applicants for membership must first attend an RNG event as a visitor. Membership shall not be unreasonably refused, and RNG shall not discriminate on grounds of gender, ethnic origin, disability or sexual orientation.
Applicants must complete all the required sections of a Membership Application Form and must provide written proof of identity and supply a passport size photograph. Membership cards and all club correspondence will be sent to the address given on the application form. Where the member has provided an email address, and where the nature of the correspondence permits, correspondence will be sent via email.
Membership shall run for one calendar year from the date of joining or renewal. Renewal of membership shall be due on the anniversary of first joining.
Persons accepted into membership shall pay an annual membership subscription on joining. Existing members renewing their membership shall pay an annual membership subscription before the next attended RNG session after their membership has lapsed.
The level of membership subscription fees shall be authorised at a Committee Meeting, and will be notified to members and published on the membership application form.
Admission fees shall be paid in respect of each attendance at an RNG event. The level of admission fees for members and visitors shall be authorised at a Committee Meeting and notified to members.
Visitors must complete and sign a visitor form in acceptance of the rules, regulations and guidelines of RNG and the event venue, and must provide written proof of identity.
Persons who do not wish to apply for membership of RNG may continue to attend RNG events as a visitor on payment of the appropriate visitor admission fee.
Members and visitors shall comply with the rules, regulations and guidelines laid down for the use of any premises and facilities used by RNG.
Members and visitors attend RNG events on the understanding that RNG cannot be held responsible for:
A Notice of Motion in writing must be in the possession of the Secretary six weeks before a General Meeting. Details of the proposed change must be notified to all members two weeks before the General Meeting at which the change will be considered. The alteration of these articles except "Alteration of Constitution" shall be made at a General Meeting only with the approval of not less than two thirds of those present. The alteration of the article "Alteration of Constitution" shall be made at a General Meeting only with the approval of not less than nine-tenths of those present.
The Guidance Rules can be found here.